
Latest version: v0.2.2

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* Added the `esm1v` embedder from [Meier et al. 2021](, which is part of facebook's [esm]( Note that this is an ensemble model, so you need to pass `ensemble_id` with a value from 1 to 5 to select which weights to use.
* Added the `bindEmbed21DL` extract protocol which is an ensemble of 5 convolutional neural network that predicts of 3 different types of binding residues (metal, nucleic acids, small molecules).
* Fix model download
* Update jaxlib to fix pip installation


* BETA: in-silico mutagenesis using ProtTransBertBFD. This computes the likelihood that, according to Bert, a residue in a protein can be a certain amino acid, which can be used as an estimate for the effect of a mutation. This adds two a new `mutagenesis` and a new protocol `plot_mutagenesis` in the `visualize` stages, of which the first one computes the probabilities and writes them to a csv file while the latter visualizes the results as interactive plotly figure.
* Support `half_precision_model` for `prottrans_bert_bfd` and `prottrans_albert_bfd`
* Fix a `n_components: 2` in the plotly protocol


* Added the `prottrans_t5_xl_u50`/`ProtTransT5XLU50Embedder` embedder from the latest ProtTrans revision. You should use this over `prottrans_t5_bfd` and `prottrans_t5_uniref50`.
* The `projected_embeddings_file.csv` of project stages has been renamed to `projected_reduced_embeddings_file.h5`. For backwards compatibility, `projected_embeddings_file.csv` is still written.
* The `projected_embeddings_file` parameter of visualize stages has been renamed to `projected_reduced_embeddings_file` and takes an h5 file. For backwards compatibility, `projected_embeddings_file` and csv files are still accepted.
* Added the pb_tucker model as project stage. Tucker is a contrastive learning model trained to distinguish CATH superfamilies. It consumes prottrans_bert_bfd embeddings and reduces the embedding dimensionality from 1024 to 128. See
* Renamed `half_model` to `half_precision_model`


* Added `prottrans_t5_uniref50`/`ProtTransT5UniRef50Embedder`. This version improves over T5 BFD by being finetuned on UniRef50.
* Added a `half_model` option to both T5 models (`prottrans_t5_uniref50` and `prottrans_t5_bfd`). On the tested GPU (Quadro RTX 3000) `half_model: True` reduces memory consumption
from 12GB to 7GB while the effect in benchmarks is negligible (±0.1 percentages points in different sets,
generally below standard error). We therefore recommend switching to `half_model: True` for T5.
* Added [DeepBLAST]( from [Protein Structural Alignments From Sequence]( (see example/deepblast for an example)
* Dropped python 3.6 support and added python 3.9 support
* Updated the docker example to cache weights


* Updated to pytorch 1.7
* Published the docker image


* Integrated [Evolutionary Scale Modeling (ESM)]( from ["Biological structure and function emerge from scaling unsupervised learning to 250 million protein sequences" (Rives et al., 2019)](
* Included [example](examples/goPredSim) to transfer GO annotations (a-la [goPredSim]( We also make the reference annotations and embeddings available!
* New language models: [ESM](, [PLUS](, [CPCProt](, [bepler]( and [T5 from ProtTrans](
* The documentation got a new home <>. This includes documentation for the python API.
* Additional pipeline and notebook examples
* Added as `original_id` attribute to embeddings in the h5 files which contains the sequence header from the fasta file
* Changed SeqVec to by default run a warmup so that the first embeddings don't have a random error
* Added an `fp16` to save embeddings with half precision



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