
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 702323 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Updated ChangeLog. [TheOneHyer]

Updated ChangeLog and slightly modified roadmap
- RTD Fix? [TheOneHyer]

I beleive I got RTD to use its own theme with
autofunction. Attempting fix.


- Major Version Bump. [TheOneHyer]

bio_utils is now V1.0.0!


- Resorted to Alabaster. [TheOneHyer]

RTD failed to generate autofunction with own theme.
Using Alabaster.
- Edited requirements.txt. [TheOneHyer]

Removed broken link from requirements.txt
- RTD test. [TheOneHyer]

Added requirements.txt to fix RTD docs
- Version Bump. [TheOneHyer]
- Changed HTML theme to RTD. [TheOneHyer]

Docs theme is now Sphinx RTD
- README has a bit more info. [TheOneHyer]

README now has both docs links
- README updated. [TheOneHyer]

README now correctly links to documentation
- Removed line from [TheOneHyer]

Removed line to attempt to use RTD
- Moved Documentation to docs. [TheOneHyer]

Moved Documentation folder to docs for RTD
- Rendered Documentation. [TheOneHyer]

Documentation now exists as web pages under the
Documentation folder. README is now in rst format
and links to proper locations.
- Finished roadmap. [TheOneHyer]

roadmap.rst now has all planned changes
- Finished contributions.rst. [TheOneHyer]

Added how to contribute sections to
- Added Sub-Package Requirements. [TheOneHyer]

Sub-package requirements are now in contributions.rst.
- Added to contributions.rst. [TheOneHyer]

Added script requirements and philosophy
to contributions.rst.
- Added contributions.rst. [TheOneHyer]

Started documentation about contribution
requirements. This will replace current
- Added blast_tools Documentation. [TheOneHyer]

Added blast_tools.rst. Minor spelling errors.
- Added Verifiers Documentation. [TheOneHyer]

Added verifiers.rst. Clarified documentation in
some verifier function docstrings. Slightly
re-organized some rst files.
- Added Classes Documentation. [TheOneHyer]

Each class in the iterators subpackage is not
documentated. Iterator documentations reduced
to better explain just the iterators and not
file formats. Spelling errors corrected.
Added roadmap.rst.
- Added iterators documentation. [TheOneHyer]

Added nearly complete documentation for iterators
subpackage. index.rst now contains better hierarechal
structure and a link to download the Copyright.
- Started creating docs. [TheOneHyer]

Began writing docs using Sphinx


- Developement moved to Beta. [TheOneHyer]

Since project has been stable thus far and simply
needs documentation, project developement
is moved to beta.


- Bug fix in b6_iter. [TheOneHyer]

b6_iter bit score now takes floats


- Rolled Project Forward. [TheOneHyer]

All scripts are confirmed working via tests and
all scripts are running at a much higher standard
than previously. There are a few things,
like Sphinx docs, preventing me from rolling
me to 1.0.0 but wanted these scripts available
on PyPI.

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