**Notable changes** * 3D Slicer extension * Prediction of large data block by block
**Notable changes** - Pip is the preferred installation method - Commands, module names and imports have been changed to conform to the Pip standard - For versions <=23.9.1 please check [README](https://github.com/biomedisa/biomedisa/blob/master/README/deprecated/README_2023.9.1.md)
**Notable changes**
- Synchronized batch normalization in multi-GPU for TF 2.13 and without for TF 2.10 - Deprecated network refinement removed
**Notable changes**
- Deep Learning as Python function
**Notable changes**
- Smart Interpolation as Python function - Load and save data as Python functions - image resize and mesh generator as Python functions - accuracy measuring as Python functions
Notable changes
- Version monitoring - Enable different U-Net architectures (number of layers and filters) - ResNet convolutional blocks (optional) - Hold back CUDA and cuDNN in Windows GUI version (WSL) to stabilize the update process