This software update is our monthly release. It introduces fixes and features for both developers and miners.
This release's chainstate directory is compatible with chainstate directories from
- `/new_microblock` endpoint to notify event observers when a valid microblock
has been received (2571).
- Added new features to `clarity-cli` (2597)
- Exposing new mining-related metrics in prometheus (2664)
- Miner's computed relative miner score as a percentage
- Miner's computed commitment, the min of their previous commitment and their median commitment
- Miner's current median commitment
- Add `key-for-seed` command to the `stacks-node` binary - outputs the associated secret key hex string
and WIF formatted secret key for a given "seed" value (2658).
- Improved mempool walk order (2514).
- Renamed database `tx_tracking.db` to `tx_tracking.sqlite` (2666).
- Alter the miner to prioritize spending the most recent UTXO when building a transaction,
instead of the largest UTXO. In the event of a tie, it uses the smallest UTXO first (2661).
- Fix trait rpc lookups for implicitly implemented traits (2602).
- Fix `v2/pox` endpoint, broken on Mocknet (2634).
- Align cost limits on mocknet, testnet and mainnet (2660).
- Log peer addresses in the HTTP server (2667)
- Mine microblocks if there are no recent unprocessed Stacks blocks