60 issues closed, over 1200 new unit tests. At an extremely high level:
* The query and scan interfaces have been polished and simplified. Extraneous methods and configuration settings have
been cut out, while ambiguous properties and methods have been merged into a single call.
* A new, simple API exposes DynamoDBStreams with just a few methods; no need to manage individual shards, maintain
shard hierarchies and open/closed polling. I believe this is a first since the Kinesis Adapter and KCL, although
they serve different purposes. When a single worker can keep up with a model's stream, Bloop's interface is
immensely easier to use.
* Engine's methods are more consistent with each other and across the code base, and all of the configuration settings
have been made redundant. This removes the need for ``EngineView`` and its associated temporary config changes.
* Blinker-powered signals make it easy to plug in additional logic when certain events occur: before a table is
created; after a model is validated; whenever an object is modified.
* Types have been pared down while their flexibility has increased significantly. It's possible to create a type that
loads another object as a column's value, using the engine and context passed into the load and dump functions. Be
careful with this; transactions on top of DynamoDB are very hard to get right.
See the Migration Guide above for specific examples of breaking changes and how to fix them, or the
`User Guide`__ for a tour of the new Bloop. Lastly, the Public and Internal API References are
finally available and should cover everything you need to extend or replace whole subsystems in Bloop
(if not, please open an issue).
__ https://bloop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/quickstart.html#user-quickstart
* ``bloop.signals`` exposes Blinker signals which can be used to monitor object changes, when
instances are loaded from a query, before models are bound, etc.
* ``before_create_table``
* ``object_loaded``
* ``object_saved``
* ``object_deleted``
* ``object_modified``
* ``model_bound``
* ``model_created``
* ``model_validated``
* ``Engine.stream`` can be used to iterate over all records in a stream, with a total ordering over approximate
record creation time. Use ``engine.stream(model, "trim_horizon")`` to get started. See the
`User Guide`__ for details.
* New exceptions ``RecordsExpired`` and ``ShardIteratorExpired`` for errors in stream state
* New exceptions ``Invalid*`` for bad input subclass ``BloopException`` and ``ValueError``
* ``DateTime`` types for the three most common date time libraries:
* ``bloop.ext.arrow.DateTime``
* ``bloop.ext.delorean.DateTime``
* ``bloop.ext.pendulum.DateTime``
* ``model.Meta`` has a new optional attribute ``stream`` which can be used to enable a stream on the model's table.
* ``model.Meta`` exposes the same ``projection`` attribute as ``Index`` so that ``(index or model.Meta).projection``
can be used interchangeably
* New ``Stream`` class exposes DynamoDBStreams API as a single iterable with powerful seek/jump options, and simple
json-friendly tokens for pausing and resuming iteration.
* Over 1200 unit tests added
* Initial integration tests added
* *(internal)* ``bloop.conditions.ReferenceTracker`` handles building ``n0``, ``:v1``, and associated values.
Use ``any_ref`` to build a reference to a name/path/value, and ``pop_refs`` when backtracking (eg. when a value is
actually another column, or when correcting a partially valid condition)
* *(internal)* ``bloop.conditions.render`` is the preferred entry point for rendering, and handles all permutations
of conditions, filters, projections. Use over ``ConditionRenderer`` unless you need very specific control over
rendering sequencing.
* *(internal)* ``bloop.session.SessionWrapper`` exposes DynamoDBStreams operations in addition to previous
``bloop.Client`` wrappers around DynamoDB client
* *(internal)* New supporting classes ``streams.buffer.RecordBuffer``, ``streams.shard.Shard``, and
``streams.coordinator.Coordinator`` to encapsulate the hell^Wjoy that is working with DynamoDBStreams
* *(internal)* New class ``util.Sentinel`` for placeholder values like ``missing`` and ``last_token``
that provide clearer docstrings, instead of showing ``func(..., default=object<0x...>)`` these will show
``func(..., default=Sentinel<[Missing]>)``
__ https://bloop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/streams.html#user-streams
* ``bloop.Column`` emits ``object_modified`` on ``__set__`` and ``__del__``
* Conditions now check if they can be used with a column's ``typedef`` and raise ``InvalidCondition`` when they can't.
For example, ``contains`` can't be used on ``Number``, nor ``>`` on ``Set(String)``
* ``bloop.Engine`` no longer takes an optional ``bloop.Client`` but instead optional ``dynamodb`` and
``dynamodbstreams`` clients (usually created from ``boto3.client("dynamodb")`` etc.)
* ``Engine`` no longer takes ``**config`` -- its settings have been dispersed to their local touch points
* ``atomic`` is a parameter of ``save`` and ``delete`` and defaults to ``False``
* ``consistent`` is a parameter of ``load``, ``query``, ``scan`` and defaults to ``False``
* ``prefetch`` has no equivalent, and is baked into the new Query/Scan iterator logic
* ``strict`` is a parameter of a ``LocalSecondaryIndex``, defaults to ``True``
* ``Engine`` no longer has a ``context`` to create temporary views with different configuration
* ``Engine.bind`` is no longer by keyword arg only: ``engine.bind(MyBase)`` is acceptable in addition to
* ``Engine.bind`` emits new signals ``before_create_table``, ``model_validated``, and ``model_bound``
* ``Engine.delete`` and ``Engine.save`` take ``*objs`` instead of ``objs`` to easily save/delete small multiples of
objects (``engine.save(user, tweet)`` instead of ``engine.save([user, tweet])``)
* ``Engine`` guards against loading, saving, querying, etc against abstract models
* ``Engine.load`` raises ``MissingObjects`` instead of ``NotModified`` (exception rename)
* ``Engine.scan`` and ``Engine.query`` take all query and scan arguments immediately, instead of using the builder
pattern. For example, ``engine.scan(model).filter(Model.x==3)`` has become
``engine.scan(model, filter=Model.x==3)``.
* ``bloop.exceptions.NotModified`` renamed to ``bloop.exceptions.MissingObjects``
* Any code that raised ``AbstractModelException`` now raises ``UnboundModel``
* ``bloop.types.DateTime`` is now backed by ``datetime.datetime`` instead of ``arrow``. Only supports UTC now, no
local timezone. Use the ``bloop.ext.arrow.DateTime`` class to continue using ``arrow``.
* The query and scan interfaces have been entirely refactored: ``count``, ``consistent``, ``ascending`` and other
properties are part of the ``Engine.query(...)`` parameters. ``all()`` is no longer needed, as ``Engine.scan`` and
``.query`` immediately return an iterable object. There is no ``prefetch`` setting, or ``limit``.
* The ``complete`` property for Query and Scan have been replaced with ``exhausted``, to be consistent with the Stream
* The query and scan iterator no longer cache results
* The ``projection`` parameter is now required for ``GlobalSecondaryIndex`` and ``LocalSecondaryIndex``
* Calling ``Index.__set__`` or ``Index.__del__`` will raise ``AttributeError``. For example,
``some_user.by_email = 3`` raises if ``User.by_email`` is a GSI
* ``bloop.Number`` replaces ``bloop.Float`` and takes an optional ``decimal.Context`` for converting numbers.
For a less strict, **lossy** ``Float`` type see the `Patterns`__ section of the User Guide
* ``bloop.String.dynamo_dump`` no longer calls ``str()`` on the value, which was hiding bugs where a non-string
object was passed (eg. ``some_user.name = object()`` would save with a name of ``<object <0x...>``)
* ``bloop.DateTime`` is now backed by ``datetime.datetime`` and only knows UTC in a fixed format. Adapters for
``arrow``, ``delorean``, and ``pendulum`` are available in ``bloop.ext``
* ``bloop.DateTime`` does not support naive datetimes; they must always have a ``tzinfo``
* docs:
* use RTD theme
* rewritten three times
* now includes public and internal api references
* *(internal)* Path lookups on ``Column`` (eg. ``User.profile["name"]["last"]``) use simpler proxies
* *(internal)* Proxy behavior split out from ``Column``'s base class ``bloop.conditions.ComparisonMixin``
for a cleaner namespace
* *(internal)* ``bloop.conditions.ConditionRenderer`` rewritten, uses a new ``bloop.conditions.ReferenceTracker``
with a much clearer api
* *(internal)* ``ConditionRenderer`` can backtrack references and handles columns as values (eg.
``User.name.in_([User.email, "literal"])``)
* *(internal)* ``_MultiCondition`` logic rolled into ``bloop.conditions.BaseCondition``, ``AndCondition`` and
``OrCondition`` no longer have intermediate base class
* *(internal)* ``AttributeExists`` logic rolled into ``bloop.conditions.ComparisonCondition``
* *(internal)* ``bloop.tracking`` rolled into ``bloop.conditions`` and is hooked into the ``object_*`` signals.
Methods are no longer called directly (eg. no need for ``tracking.sync(some_obj, engine)``)
* *(internal)* update condition is built from a set of columns, not a dict of updates to apply
* *(internal)* ``bloop.conditions.BaseCondition`` is a more comprehensive base class, and handles all manner of
out-of-order merges (``and(x, y)`` vs ``and(y, x)`` where x is an ``and`` condition and y is not)
* *(internal)* almost all ``*Condition`` classes simply implement ``__repr__`` and ``render``; ``BaseCondition``
takes care of everything else
* *(internal)* ``bloop.Client`` became ``bloop.session.SessionWrapper``
* *(internal)* ``Engine._dump`` takes an optional ``context``, ``**kwargs``, matching the
signature of ``Engine._load``
* *(internal)* ``BaseModel`` no longer implements ``__hash__``, ``__eq__``, or ``__ne__`` but ``ModelMetaclass`` will
always ensure a ``__hash__`` function when the subclass is created
* *(internal)* ``Filter`` and ``FilterIterator`` rewritten entirely in the ``bloop.search`` module across multiple
__ https://bloop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/patterns.html#patterns-float
* ``AbstractModelException`` has been rolled into ``UnboundModel``
* The ``all()`` method has been removed from the query and scan iterator interface. Simply iterate with
``next(query)`` or ``for result in query:``
* ``Query.results`` and ``Scan.results`` have been removed and results are no longer cached. You can begin the
search again with ``query.reset()``
* The ``new_base()`` function has been removed in favor of subclassing ``BaseModel`` directly
* ``bloop.Float`` has been replaced by ``bloop.Number``
* *(internal)* ``bloop.engine.LoadManager`` logic was rolled into ``bloop.engine.load(...)``
* ``EngineView`` has been removed since engines no longer have a baseline ``config`` and don't need a
context to temporarily modify it
* *(internal)* ``Engine._update`` has been removed in favor of ``util.unpack_from_dynamodb``
* *(internal)* ``Engine._instance`` has been removed in favor of directly creating instances from
``model.Meta.init()`` in ``unpack_from_dynamodb``
* ``Column.contains(value)`` now renders ``value`` with the column typedef's inner type. Previously, the container
type was used, so ``Data.some_list.contains("foo"))`` would render as ``(contains(some_list, ["f", "o", "o"]))``
instead of ``(contains(some_list, "foo"))``
* ``Set`` renders correct wire format -- previously, it incorrectly sent ``{"SS": [{"S": "h"}, {"S": "i"}]}`` instead
of the correct ``{"SS": ["h", "i"]}``
* *(internal)* ``Set`` and ``List`` expose an ``inner_typedef`` for conditions to force rendering of inner values
(currently only used by ``ContainsCondition``)
0.9.13 - 2016-10-31
* ``Set`` was rendering an invalid wire format, and now renders the correct "SS", "NS", or "BS" values.
* ``Set`` and ``List`` were rendering ``contains`` conditions incorrectly, by trying to dump each value in the
value passed to contains. For example, ``MyModel.strings.contains("foo")`` would render ``contains(n0, :v1)``
where ``:v1`` was ``{"SS": [{"S": "f"}, {"S": "o"}, {"S": "o"}]}``. Now, non-iterable values are rendered
singularly, so ``:v1`` would be ``{"S": "foo"}``. This is a temporary fix, and only works for simple cases.
For example, ``List(List(String))`` will still break when performing a ``contains`` check.
**This is fixed correctly in 1.0.0** and you should migrate as soon as possible.
0.9.12 - 2016-06-13
* ``model.Meta`` now exposes ``gsis`` and ``lsis``, in addition to the existing ``indexes``. This simplifies code that
needs to iterate over each type of index and not all indexes.
* ``engine_for_profile`` was no longer necessary, since the client instances could simply be created with a given
0.9.11 - 2016-06-12
* ``bloop.Client`` now takes ``boto_client``, which should be an instance of ``boto3.client("dynamodb")`` instead of
a ``boto3.session.Session``. This lets you specify endpoints and other configuration only exposed during the
client creation process.
* ``Engine`` no longer uses ``"session"`` from the config, and instead takes a ``client`` param which should be an
instance of ``bloop.Client``. **bloop.Client will be going away in 1.0.0** and Engine will simply take the boto3
clients directly.
0.9.10 - 2016-06-07
* New exception ``AbstractModelException`` is raised when attempting to perform an operation which requires a
table, on an abstract model. Raised by all Engine functions as well as ``bloop.Client`` operations.
* ``Engine`` operations raise ``AbstractModelException`` when attempting to perform operations on abstract models.
* Previously, models were considered non-abstract if ``model.Meta.abstract`` was False, or there was no value.
Now, ``ModelMetaclass`` will explicitly set ``abstract`` to False so that ``model.Meta.abstract`` can be used
everywhere, instead of ``getattr(model.Meta, "abstract", False)``.
0.9.9 - 2016-06-06
* ``Column`` has a new attribute ``model``, the model it is bound to. This is set during the model's creation by
the ``ModelMetaclass``.
* ``Engine.bind`` will now skip intermediate models that are abstract. This makes it easier to pass abstract models,
or models whose subclasses may be abstract (and have non-abstract grandchildren).
0.9.8 - 2016-06-05
*(no public changes)*
0.9.7 - 2016-06-05
* Conditions implement ``__eq__`` for checking if two conditions will evaluate the same. For example::
>>> large = Blob.size > 1024**2
>>> small = Blob.size < 1024**2
>>> large == small
>>> also_large = Blob.size > 1024**2
>>> large == also_large
>>> large is also_large
.. _changelog-v0.9.6:
0.9.6 - 2016-06-04