
Latest version: v1.1.0

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+ `MetadataSession` methods to support new functionality released in Metadata API 2.0
+ `bib_match`
+ `bib_get_classification`
+ `holdings_set_with_bib` and `holdings_unset_with_bib`
+ New `MetadataSession` methods to support existing Metadata API functionality
+ Bib Record Management and Validation
+ `bib_create`
+ `bib_replace`
+ `bib_validate`
+ Local Holdings Records
+ `lhr_create`
+ `lhr_delete`
+ `lhr_get`
+ `lhr_replace`
+ Local Bibliographic Data
+ `lbd_create`
+ `lbd_delete`
+ `lbd_get`
+ `lbd_replace`
+ Holdings Management
+ `holdings_get_codes`
+ Support for [automatic retries of failed requests](
+ Support for [multi-institution WSKeys](
+ Support for Python 3.11 and 3.12
+ New dev dependencies:
+ types-requests (
+ mkdocs-material (9.5.13)

+ `MetadataSession` methods that have been renamed and updated (replacing existing functionality in Bookops-Worldcat):
+ `get_brief_bib` is now `brief_bibs_get`
+ `get_full_bib` is now `bib_get`
+ `holding_get_status` is now `holdings_get_current`
+ `holding_set` is now `holdings_set`
+ `holding_unset` is now `holdings_unset`
+ `search_brief_bib_other_editions` is now `brief_bibs_get_other_editions`
+ `search_brief_bibs` is now `brief_bibs_search`
+ `search_current_control_numbers` is now `bib_get_current_oclc_number`
+ `search_general_holdings` is now `summary_holdings_search`
+ `search_shared_print_holdings` is now `shared_print_holdings_search`
+ `WorldcatAccessToken`
+ `scopes` arg now only accepts strings. A `TypeError` is raised if `scopes` arg is passed a list
+ `token_expires_at` attribute is now an aware `datetime` object (change made due to [`datetime.utcnow()`]( deprecation)
+ Error handling:
+ `TypeError` and `ValueError` replace `WorldcatAuthorizationError` when `WorldcatAccessToken` is passed an invalid arg.
+ `MetadataSession` now raises `InvalidOclcNumber` exception when invalid OCLC identifiers are given
+ `pytest` configuration moved from `pytest.ini` to `pyproject.toml`
+ Updated and clarified type annotations for `MetadataSession` methods
+ Updated dependencies:
+ requests: (2.31)
+ Updated dev dependencies:
+ black (23.3.0)
+ mike (2.0.0)
+ mypy (1.0.14)
+ Documentation on []( has been rewritten and reorganized

+ `AttributeError` changed to `TypeError` if arg passed to `Query.prepared_request` is not a `PreparedRequest`
+ All args for methods within `MetadataSession` have been changed to camel case to be consisted with Metadata API documentation

+ `principalID` and `principalIDNS` as args for `WorldcatAccessToken`
+ Automatic handling of large sets of oclcNumbers
+ `_split_into_legal_volume` removed from `MetadataSession`; a `ValueError` is now raised if a method is passed too many oclcNumbers

+ Support for Python 3.7
+ 409 error handling for holdings set/unset requests
+ `WorldcatSessionError`
+ Replaced with `TypeError` or `ValueError` in `WorldcatSession`






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