- Upgraded libbrotli to v1.1.0 - Added explicit support for Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12 - Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6
- Added ``manylinux_aarch64`` wheels
- Avoid byte/string comparison warning in error message construction
- Updated to v1.0.9 of the Brotli library - Library version now follows Brotli version - Removed the ``dictionary`` parameter from ``compress`` and ``Compressor`` - **NOTE:** Python 2.7 wheels for Windows likely won't work until `google/brotli848`_ is resolved
- Renamed the package on PyPI to ``brotlicffi``, all further updates will be published to the new package. Using the ``brotlipy`` is deprecated. - Changed the importable namespace from ``brotli`` to ``brotlicffi`` to no longer conflict with the ``Brotli`` PyPI package. - Added ``process()`` method to ``Compressor`` and ``Decompressor``. - Added ``is_finished()`` method to ``Decompressor``.