
Latest version: v0.5.0

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Bump pre-commit from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 ...


🚑 Removed params not needed …

🚑 small fix to catch only json content

✨ changed some logic to make sure bsblan lib receives json data from bsblan device

- cleaned code
- bumped requirements

minor tweaks and cleanup

bumped requirements
🚑 fixed passkey string

🔥 Breaking changes
- fixed some flaws and changed some parameters
- add some extra code for test


- ATTENTION: LOTS of new functionalities, some of which break compatibility with previous versions, so be careful and read all the docs if you make the upgrade!
- ATTENTION: Added and reorganized PPS parameters, almost all parameter numbers have changed!
- ATTENTION: Change of EEPROM layout will lead to loading of default values from BSB_LAN_config.h! You need to write settings to EEPROM in configuration menu again!
- ATTENTION: Folder locations and filenames have been adjusted for easier installation! If you update your installation, please take note that the configuration is now in BSB_LAN_config.h (LAN in caps), and no longer in BSB_lan_config.h (lower-caps "lan")
- ATTENTION: HTTP-Authentication configuration has changed and now uses plain text instead of Base64 encoded strings!
- Thanks to GitHub user do13, this code now also compiles on a ESP32, tested on NodeMCU-ESP32, Olimex ESP32-POE and Olimex ESP32-EVB boards. ESP32 code uses SDK version 2.0.2, please take note when configuring Arduino IDE!
- OTA Updates now possible for ESP32-based devices
- Support for special PPS devices (based on DC225/Honeywell MCBA) added
- Webinterface allows for configuration of most settings without the need to re-flash, also split into basic and extended configuration
- Added better WiFi option for Arduinos through Jiri Bilek's WiFiSpi library, using an ESP8266-based microcontroller like Wemos D1 mini or LoLin NodeMCU. Older WiFi-via-Serial approach no longer supported.
- Added MDNS_SUPPORT definement in config so that BSB-LAN can be discovered through mDNS
- If BSB-LAN cannot connect to WiFi on ESP32, it will set up its own access point "BSB-LAN" with password "BSB-LPB-PPS-LAN" for 30 minutes. After that, it will reboot and try to connect again.
- New MQTT functions, including allowing any parameter to be set by an MQTT message and actively query any parameter once by sending an MQTT message
- Added support for BME280 sensors
- Setting a temporary destination address for querying parameters by adding !x (where x is the destination id), e.g. /6224!10 to query the identification of the display unit
- URL commands /A, /B, /T and /JA have been removed as all sensors can now be accessed via parameter numbers 20000 and above as well as (currently) under new category K49.
- New categories added, subsequent categories have been shifted up
- HTTP Authentification now uses clear text username and password in configuration
- PPS users can now send time and day of week to heater
- Lots of new parameters added
- URL command /JR allows for querying the standard (reset) value of a parameter in JSON format
- URL command /JB allows for backing up parameters to JSON file
- New library for DHT22 should provide more reliable results
- Consolidated data and value types: New data types VT_YEAR, VT_DAYMONTH, VT_TIME as subsets of VT_DATETIME for parameters 1-3, replacing VT_SUMMERPERIOD and adjusting VT_VACATIONPROG. New value types DT_THMS for time consisting of hour:minutes:seconds
- MQTT: Use MQTTDeviceID as a client ID for the broker, still defaults to BSB-LAN. ATTENTION: Check your config if you're broker relies on the client ID in any way for authorization etc.



ATTENTION: The next release will contain several fundamental changes which will break some of the configurations, so that an update WILL require you to adjust your settings! If the current Master branch version is not working for you, try this one here. Also, Mega2560 users should still be able to run this version if not all modules are activated:

- ATTENTION: DHW Push ("Trinkwasser Push") parameter had to be moved from 1601 to 1603 because 1601 has a different "official" meaning on some heaters. Please check and change your configuration if necessary
- ATTENTION: New categories added, most category numbers (using /K) will be shifted up by a few numbers.
- /JA URL command outputs average values
- Many new parameters decoded
- New parameters for device families 25, 44, 51, 59, 68, 85, 88, 90, 96, 97, 108, 134, 162, 163, 170, 195, 209, 211
- Improved mobile display of webinterface
- Added definement "BtSerial" for diverting serial output to Serial2 where a Bluetooth adapter can be connected (5V->5V, GND->GND, RX->TX2, TX->RX2). Adapter has to be in slave mode and configured to 115200 bps, 8N1.
- Lots of added Polish translations
- New data types VT_BYTE10, VT_SPF
- Bugfix for PPS bus regarding display of heating time programs
- Bugfix for MQTT


ATTENTION: Next release will include new categories (and therefore a shift in category numbers) and also move the DHW Push parameter from 1601 to 1603. If you are installing BSB-LAN for the first time, please get the most recent code from the master repository to avoid making these changes with your next update.

- /JI URL command outputs configuration in JSON structure
- /JC URL command gets list of possible values from user-defined list of functions. Example: /JC=505,700,701,702,711,1600,1602
- Logging telegrams (log parameter 30000) now writes to separate file (journal.txt). It can be reset with /D0 (same time with datalog.txt) command and dumped with /DJ command.
- removed WIFI configuration as it is no longer applicable for the Due
- lots of new parameters for various device families
- Code optimization and restructuring, general increase of speed
- new schemativs for board layout V3
- lots of bugfixes

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