----------------------------- * Updated documentation (which now also includes a documentation of the C/OpenCL source code) * Adapted/Added examples * Adapted installation process (e.g., CPU based k-d trees can now be built without OpenCL support) * Small code modifications and bugfixes
----------------------------- * Added support for double precision * Added Python 3 support * Small bug fixes * Fixed memory leak (`GH1 <https://github.com/gieseke/bufferkdtree/issues/1>`_)
----------------------------- * Fixed wrong parameter assignment in 'kneighbors' method of both neighbors/kd_tree/base.py and neighbors/buffer_kdtree/base.py * Added Multi-GPU support to brute-force approach (for benchmark purposes) * Adapted parameter settings for buffer k-d tree implementation * Added benchmark example
------------------------------ * Adapted building process
------------------------------ * Adapted building process * Fixed small bugs