
Latest version: v0.0.10

Safety actively analyzes 701903 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Actions: fix broken yaml, i guess. [lucasew]
- Actions: run linux tests before other OS tests. [lucasew]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Add argparse descriptions. [lucasew]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Source/basichttpjsonvendor: add example. [lucasew]
- Source/basichttpjsonvendor: init. [lucasew]
- Sources/basicgithub: argparse. [lucasew]
- Implement nix fetchers for plugins. [lucasew]
- Each source in a folder. [lucasew]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Basicgithub: more testing. [lucasew]
- Basicgithub plugin, just need to test better after rate limit
cooldown. [lucasew]
- Nix stuff. [lucasew]
- Update README.md. [Lucas Eduardo]
- Update README.md. [Lucas Eduardo]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Rm funding. [lucasew]
- Readme. [lucasew]
- Logging tweaks. [lucasew]
- Argparse work. [lucasew]
- Basic demo cli integration. [lucasew]
- Basic source work. [lucasew]
- Add shell.nix. [lucasew]
- ✅ Ready to clone and code. [lucasew]
- Initial commit. [Lucas Eduardo]


- Eval_nodes: ignore missing keys. [lucasew]
- Option to not generate minified json. [lucasew]
- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Selective bump, bump older items first. [lucasew]
- Command to list nodes in a json. [lucasew]


- Save old state if assertion error when evaluating node. [lucasew]


- Resilience work. [lucasew]


- Assume old state is best if unhandled HTTP error, useful to not lose
progress if github ratelimit kicks in. [lucasew]


- Lintwork. [lucasew]
- Basicgithub: minor tweaks. [lucasew]
- Flake. [lucasew]

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