Release notes
New features
- Supports `prepare_{}` functions in ModelIndex definitions, similar to haystack.
- Supports templates for models, similar to haystack.
- Additional management commands: `clear_index` and `rebuild_index`.
- README improvements by meninoebom. More needed for the new features (cf. 101).
- Django manager now using `contribute_to_class` (as it should have since the start).
- Coverage test reports added, and improved.
Bug fixes
- `indexing_query` is now correctly called when defined in the ModelIndex.
Release contributors
Many thanks to afrancis13 and meninoebom for their contributions.
Pull request summary
- Remove sleep and add ability to bulk delete from index 88 by afrancis13
- Update with installation instructions 91 by meninoebom
- Add the ability to use custom analyzers in bungiesearch. 94 by afrancis13
- Add data template handling 95 by afrancis13
- Adds coverall coverage test and badge to README file 97 by me
- Fix indexing_query in update command 98 by afrancis13
- Performance boost for bulk delete, and additional abstraction in utils 99 by afrancis13
- Add prepare_{} field evaluation 100 by afrancis13
- Use contribute_to_class in Bungiesearch Manager 103 by afrancis13
- Additional management commands for bungiesearch 102 by afrancis13
- Added guilty-as-charged flag in clear_index command. 104 by me