- `buzzard` is now maintained by `earthcube-lab`
- Drop support for python 3.4 and 3.5, add support for python 3.8
Public changes
New features
- Can now decorate python function with an `Env` object
- `fp.erode` and `fp.dilate` now accept more parameters to control the effect on each border
- Add `fp.forward_conv2d`, `fp.backward_conv2d`, `fp.forward_convtranspose2d` and `fp.backward_convtranspose2d` to anticipate the effect of a convolution on the shape of a tensor
Bug fixes
- Process pools managed by a `Dataset` are now joined without dead-lock (No UT yet for Pool management)
- Fix `Env` to work with python threads (New UT)
- Fix `fp.intersection(rotation='fit')` when `fp` has a non-north-up scale (No UT for non-north-up Footprints)
- Fix bug when using an integer to select a raster band
Private changes
- Remove version constraint of pytest
- Update CI
- Now using dockerhub instead of aws