<!-- 0 -->:rocket: New features
* The core package has been fully update
* Added a new Limit trigger class
* Add PathSegment class
* Added new methods to classes
* Full package modification
* Complete package refactoring
* Full package modify
* App methods extended
<!-- 2 -->:page_with_curl: Documentation
* Initial setup mkdocs
<!-- 4 -->:building_construction: Refactor
* Files have been renamed
* Updated imports and inject type checking
* Added string parser
* Improved docs, types
* Removed unused code
* Imports have been changed
* Updated working example
<!-- 5 -->:black_nib: Styling
* Corrections made by linters
<!-- 7 -->:broom: Miscellaneous tasks
* A new project structure has been set
* Change import string
* Dependencies and hooks are regrouped
* Modify args in codespell hook
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