- Remove ``MRUCache`` and the ``func.mru_cache`` decorator (breaking change).
- Improve the way ``cachetools.func`` decorators deal with `cache stampede <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_stampede>`_ issues in massively parallel environments. Note that this comes at a small (your mileage may vary) performance penalty, and therefore is not supported by the ``cached`` and ``cachedmethod`` decorators yet.
- Update CI environment.
- Reduce number of ``cached`` lock/unlock operations.
- Improve documentation.
- Update CI environment.
- Add documentation regarding caching of exceptions.
- Officially support Python 3.13.
- Update CI environment.
- ``TTLCache.expire()`` returns iterable of expired ``(key, value)`` pairs.
- ``TLRUCache.expire()`` returns iterable of expired ``(key, value)`` pairs.