Temporarily in this version of the project (1.1.3) there is only CaptchaGenerator function for captcha generator. This function has 7 inputs:
* NumberGen
* ValuesCaptcha (optional)
* NameExport (optional)
* PathExport
* Fonts (optional)
* Colors (optional)
* BackgroundS (optional)
Example :
from CaptchaGenerator.CaptchaGenerator import CaptchaGenerat
def main():
NumberGen = 5
NameExport = "CaptchaGenerat"
ValuesCaptcha = "012356789QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!$%&*"
PathExport = r"C:\Users\sepeh\Desktop\Captcha Generator"
Fonts = ['AmaticSC-Bold.ttf', 'AmaticSC-Regular.ttf', 'ArchitectsDaughter-Regular.ttf']
Colors = ["red" , "blue"]
BackgroundS = ["Background/Background1.png", "Background/Background2.png", "Background/Background3.png"]
choiceFromValues = CaptchaGenerat(NumberGen=NumberGen, ValuesCaptcha=ValuesCaptcha, NameExport=NameExport, PathExport=PathExport, Fonts=Fonts, Colors=Colors, BackgroundS=BackgroundS)
print("Generated captcha : " + choiceFromValues)
if __name__ == "__main__":