- Use logger instead of printing to the error for logging
- Instead of having the optional `token` section in the config file
allow to use hidden `.caravel_token` to predefine the token
- Change logging levels to 10 (debug) and 20 (info) in debug and normal modes, respectively
- New `bootstrap` UI
- Back button to each page
- Compute environment configuration page
- Deactivate subproject with a dedicated button
- Use `divvy` for computing environment configuration
- Display `looper` log in the terminal and in a separate page, when finished
- `looper` and `peppy` versions assurance
- New way of `caravel`, `looper` and `python` versions monitoring on the client side in the footer
- Systematic HTML form elements determination based on `looper` arguments options
- The port that the server will be run on can be determined manually from the CLI (`-p` and `--port` options)
- Seamless integration with `looper` reporting module, the pages are displayed with `caravel`'s navbar and footer