- Add `bulldozer-dtm` dependency to cars with a new bulldozer base DSM filling application [901]
- Add `cars-filter` dependency with outlier filtering functionalities in epipolar geometry [867]
- New parameter `use_cross_validation` in dense matching to manage Pandora cross validation [900]
- New parameters `altitude_delta_min` and `altitude_delta_max` in initial_elevation [902]
- Cars pipelines have been replaced by a "default" pipeline [895]
- Support for Python version superior than 3.10 with libsgm 0.5.0 [912]
- Support for Python 3.8 is over [930]
- The `no merging` mode is now the operational mode in cars, outlier filtering is done in epipolar geometry and laz are now saved in triangulation application [895]
- Add an index.json file in cars official product [893]
- Improve formatting of cars output products, improve cleaning of the output directory [874]
- Improve SIFT default configuration [928]
- Optimize SIFT filtering and grid correction [869]
- Optimize classification resampling [835]
- Simplify the check input function [920]
- Support `z_inf` and `z_sup` in depth map inputs [897]
- User and developer documentation updates [935] and [885]
- Use shareloc 0.2.4
- Typo fixes (with API changes) [934]
- `dense_matches_filling` application renamed into `dense_match_filling`
- `holes_detection` application renamed into `hole_detection`
- `point_cloud_outliers_removing` renamed into `point_cloud_outlier_removal`
- `points_cloud` renamed into `point_cloud` in the code
- Fix crashes during report generation [916]
- Fix cars when using image with negative y axis [924]
- Fix no-data handling in elevation data [922]
- Make cars robust to different classification geotransforms [923]