- Python library API.
- Script for generating mod documentation.
- Script for extracting translation strings.
- Script for generating animated gifs of monster battle animations.
- Script for getting lists of monsters that can use specific moves.
Release instructions
* Pick a new version number
* Update the version number in `pyproject.toml`
* Update the version number in `docs/`
* Update the changelog
make test regression_test
git add .
git commit
rm -Rd dist
make build
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* --verbose
python3 -m pip install --index-url --no-deps cbpickaxe --force-reinstall
pushd data/main_game_docs
cbpickaxe_generate_docs build
pushd data/mods
cbpickaxe_generate_docs build
git push origin master
export VERSION=v0.1.0
git tag -a "$VERSION" -m "$VERSION"
git push origin "$VERSION"
python3 -m twine upload dist/* --verbose
* Create a new release on GitHub