Mark package as deprecated
As part of our upcoming release of version 1 of BrainGlobe, the `cellfinder-core` and `cellfinder-napari` packages are merging into a single, unified, `cellfinder` package. You can read about this [in our blog post](
As such, this will be the final release of a standalone `cellfinder-napari` package. If you want to continue using the plugin, we recommend you follow the steps outlined in the blog post above, or head over to [`cellfinder`]( and install version `>=v1.0.0` in a clean environment.
What's Changed
* Set pre-commit autoupdate frequency to monthly by adamltyson in
* Delete .github/workflows/plugin_preview.yml by adamltyson in
* Force headless display by willGraham01 in
* Prepare for retirement by willGraham01 in
**Full Changelog**: