* Drop support for ``async_to_sync()`` without ``sync_to_async()``. If you have
been using channels_rabbitmq to open a new RabbitMQ connection per
message, you'll now get a RuntimeError.
`Rationale <https://github.com/CJWorkbench/channels_rabbitmq/issues/28#issuecomment-734334065>`_
* Switched to `carehare <https://github.com/CJWorkbench/carehare>`_, so now we:
* Expose errors. An error in the channel layers will be logged. (Previously,
it could lead to a frozen layer.)
* Release unawaited tasks and futures. Now, callers must await all futures.
(Previously, there were missing warnings when callers didn't await.)
* Expose ``get_channel_layer().carehare_connection``: a Future Connection.
(It resets to a new Future upon disconnect.)
* Added ``await get_channel_layer().close()``, for clean shutdowns. On shutdown,
all consumers will see ``StopConsuming``. (This is not in the Channel Layers
* Stopped monkey-patching event-loop close. Now, ending the Python process
without calling ``await get_channel_layer().close()`` may warn about unawaited
coroutines. Use ASGI Lifespan to fix the warnings.
**Upgrade instructions from v2.x**
* Upgrade to **Python 3.8 or higher**.
* Ensure your ``host`` and ``ssl_context`` agree. If you use ``ssl_context``,
your ``host`` must begin with ``amqps://``; otherwise, ``amqp://``.
* Ensure you do not call ``async_to_sync()`` outside of ``sync_to_async()``.