
Latest version: v0.14

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At the moment, only Numpy <= 1.26 is supported due to a deprecation affecting
a ChaosMagPy dependency. This will hopefully be fixed in the near future.

* Updated RC-index file to RC_1997-2024_June24_v5.dat (used during the
construction of CHAOS-7.18).
* Increased precision of :func:`chaosmagpy.data_utils.timestamp` and
:func:`chaosmagpy.data_utils.mjd2000` to nanosecond.
* Added function to compute the unit base vector in the direction of the
geomagetic north pole: :func:`chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils.dipole_to_vec`.


* Made Matplotlib an optional dependency of ChaosMagPy.
* Added optional dependencies to ``pyproject.toml``.

* Removed deprecated matplotlib call to register a colormap. The previous
version caused an ImportError with matplotlib >=3.9.


* Updated RC-index file to RC_1997-2023_Dec23_v5.dat (used during the
construction of CHAOS-7.17).
* Extended :func:`chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils.geo_to_gg` and
:func:`chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils.gg_to_geo` to also allow for the
rotation of vector components.
* Removed Cartopy from the dependencies (basic map projections are done with
Matplotlib and coastlines are loaded from Natural Earth). New dependency for
reading the coastline shapefile is PyShp (>=2.3.1).
* Added function :func:`chaosmagpy.chaos.load_IGRF_txtfile` to load the IGRF
model from the coefficient TXT-file.


* Updated RC-index file to RC_1997-2023_Feb_v8_Dst_mod.dat (used during the
construction of CHAOS-7.14).
* Plotting function do not return figure and axes handles anymore. If needed,
they can be accessed through matplotlib's ``gcf()`` and ``gca()``.
* Added function :func:`chaosmagpy.model_utils.sensitivity` to compute the
sensitivity of spherical harmonic coefficients.
* Changed the default colormap for the component maps to ``'PuOr_r'`` (orange
for positive values and purple for negative ones).

* Fixed error in :func:`chaosmagpy.data_utils.load_shcfile` when reading
single piece, quadratic splines. Error was due to a failure to identify the
shc-parameter line as the first non-comment line in the file.
* Fixed KeyError that is raised when no name is given to the
:class:`chaosmagpy.chaos.CHAOS` constructor. This only affected direct calls
to the constructor due to an outdated config keyword.


| **Version of CHAOS:** CHAOS-7.12 (0712) and CHAOS-7.13 (0713)

* Updated RC-index file to RC_1997-2022_Sept_v3.dat.
* Improved time conversion paragraph in the usage section.
* Added option to :func:`chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils.sh_analysis` to increase
the grid size for the numerical integration.
* Made time conversion functions (:func:`chaosmagpy.data_utils.mjd2000`,
:func:`chaosmagpy.data_utils.mjd_to_dyear`) directly available upon import.
* Extended :func:`chaosmagpy.model_utils.power_spectrum` to accept NumPy style
``axis`` keyword argument, and added new tests for this function.
* Added more detailed error message when requesting near-magnetospheric
coefficients outside the domain covered by the RC-index file.
* Added input parameters ``rc_e`` and ``rc_i`` to the model call method.


| **Version of CHAOS:** CHAOS-7.11 (0711)

* Updated RC-index file to RC_1997-2022_June_v3.

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