<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
check-dist now understands most common build backends that have an "ignore" list in pyproject.toml, and won't ask you to relist those ignores in it's own ignore list. Backends supported are Hatchling, Flit-core, PDM-backend, Poetry-core, Scikit-build-core, and Meson. The two major backends that do not support listing excludes in pyproject.toml are setuptools and meson-python, so you'll still need to list any explicit excludes for those backends manually.
What's Changed
* feat: read build-backend ignore lists by henryiii in https://github.com/henryiii/check-sdist/pull/66
* docs: add a couple of links by henryiii in https://github.com/henryiii/check-sdist/pull/69
* docs: bump for version 1.2 by henryiii in https://github.com/henryiii/check-sdist/pull/68
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/henryiii/check-sdist/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0