
Latest version: v2.22.0

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- 🛠 Update CPython 3.13 to 3.13.0 final release (2032)
- 📚 Docs updates and tidy ups (2035)


- ✨ Adds support for building 32-bit armv7l wheels on musllinux. On a Linux system with emulation set up, set [CIBW_ARCHS]( to `armv7l` to try it out if you're interested! (2017)
- 🐛 Fix Linux Podman builds on some systems (2016)
- ✨ Adds official support for running on Python 3.13 (2026)
- 🛠 Update CPython 3.13 to 3.13.0rc3 (2029)

Note: the default [manylinux image]( is **scheduled to change** from `manylinux2014` to `manylinux_2_28` in a cibuildwheel release on or after **6th May 2025** - you can set the value now to avoid getting upgraded if you want. (1992)


- 🐛 Fix a bug in the Linux build, where files copied to the container would have invalid ownership permissions (2007)
- 🐛 Fix a bug on Windows where cibuildwheel would call upon `uv` to install dependencies for versions of CPython that it does not support (2005)
- 🐛 Fix a bug where `uv 0.4.10` would not use the right Python when testing on Linux. (2008)
- 🛠 Bump our documentation pins, fixes an issue with a missing package (2011)


- ⚠️ Update CPython 3.12 to 3.12.6, which changes the macOS minimum deployment target on CPython 3.12 from macOS 10.9 to macOS 10.13 (1998)
- 🛠 Changes the behaviour when inheriting `config-settings` in TOML overrides - rather than extending each key, which is rarely useful, individual keys will override previously set values. (1803)
- 🛠 Update CPython 3.13 to 3.13.0rc2 (1998)
- ✨ Adds support for multiarch OCI images (1961)
- 🐛 Fixes some bugs building Linux wheels on macOS. (1961)
- ⚠️ Changes the minimum version of Docker/Podman to Docker API version 1.43, Podman API version 3. The only mainstream runner this should affect is Travis Graviton2 runners - if so you can [upgrade your version of Docker]( (1961)


- 🌟 CPython 3.13 wheels are now built by default - without the `CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS` flag. It's time to build and upload these wheels to PyPI! This release includes CPython 3.13.0rc1, which is guaranteed to be ABI compatible with the final release. Free-threading is still behind a flag/config option. (1950)
- ✨ Provide a `CIBW_ALLOW_EMPTY` environment variable as an alternative to the command line flag. (1937)
- 🐛 Don't use uv on PyPy3.8 on Windows, it stopped working starting in 0.2.25. Note that PyPy 3.8 is EoL. (1868)
- 🛠 Set the `VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH` variable based on target arch. (1876)
- 🛠 Undo cleaner output on pytest 8-8.2 now that 8.3 is out. (1943)
- 📚 Update examples to use Python 3.12 on host (cibuildwheel will require Python 3.11+ on the host machine starting in October 2024) (1919)


- 🐛 Update manylinux2014 pins to versions that support past-EoL CentOS 7 mirrors. (1917)
- 🐛 Support `--no-isolation` with `build[uv]` build-frontend. (1889)
- 🛠 Provide attestations for releases at <>. (#1916)
- 🛠 Provide CPython 3.13.0b3. (1913)
- 🛠 Remove some workarounds now that pip 24.1 is available. (1891, 1892)
- 📚 Remove nosetest from our docs. (1821)
- 📚 Document the macOS ARM workaround for 3.8 on GHA. (1871)
- 📚 GitLab CI + macOS is now a supported platform with an example. (1911)

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