- Do not restrict requests and flask versions. - Make it run on Python 3.10.
Released on 2021-03-13.
- Move from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. - Simplify packaging and deployment.
Released on 2019-10-03.
- Make it possible to serve local mp4 files. - Update dependencies.
Released on 2019-05-02.
- Use raw.githubusercontent.com instead of cdn.jsdelivr.net to fetch markdown files. - Update dependencies.
Released on 2019-01-09.
- Clear fields if user/repo changes. - Allow to toggle between remark and reveal.js.
Released on 2018-12-09.
- Refactor customization of slides (uses ``*.css``, ``*.head.html``, and ``*.body.html``). - Page title is not extracted from the markdown file. - Allow to render using https://revealjs.com. - v3 of the URL API becomes the default.