This revokes the experimental support for micropython. Going forward, it'd be better to rely on `adafruit-blinka`'s progress toward micropython support ( which is currently hindered for the same reason I'm revoking it here - the `utime` lib.
Other various changes include:
- revert all use of f-strings back to `str.format()`.
- Complete type hinting. I'm worried this might break compatibility with much older versions of CircuitPython, but v6+ is highly recommended for execution speeds (v7+ is better with mpy compression).
- RF24 class uses allocated `_in` and `_out` buffers (instance attributes) for SPI transactions. This is based on some "pro-tips" about using micropython.
- various doc updates.
- improved network example to allow receiving while idling during `emit()`
- improve for MacOS installs
- allow saving/loading DHCP as a binary file. This should help people to migrate existing networks that use the C++ RF24Mesh library.