**Welcome to ClassiPyGRB**
ClassiPyGRB is a Python 3 package to download, process, visualize and classify Gamma-Ray-Bursts (GRBs) from the [Swift/BAT Telescope](https://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/about_swift/bat_desc.html) database. It is distributed over the GNU General Public License Version 2 (1991). Please, read the complete description of the method and its application to GRBs in this [publication](https://github.com/KenethGarcia/ClassiPyGRB/blob/master/JOSS_Docs/paper.md).
The current version of ClassiPyGRB is optimized to work with $64$ ms and $10$ s binning data. However, you can use all the instances in more cases, as $16$ ms or $1$ s. This package represent a generalization of the work of [Garcia-Cifuentes et al.(2023)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08666) with a background scheme of functions to work with Swift/BAT data.
Compared with previous versions, the version 1.0.0 improves/add:
1. The overall structure of all the modules, functions and instances or previous versions.
2. A detailed docstrings in each module, function and instance for an easy-to-follow reading
3. A testing platform. Now it covers an automated workflow to test the principal components of ClassiPyGRB, and a step-to-step documentation, to allow the user test the results obtained.
4. A detailed documentation, covering all the instances and modules of ClassiPyGRB.
5. A simple Graphical User Interface summarizing the embeddings obtained, visualize light curves and Fourier spectrums of each Gamma-Ray-Burst.
6. New features, as flux and hardness ratio estimation from light curves.
Check the docs section to see what you can do with ClassiPyGRB.