What's Changed * Improved RST Table Generation for Documentation & Removed Python 3.8 Support by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/68
What's Changed * fixed docs_url and other metadata keys that could not be provided as Command kwargs by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/67
What's Changed * glob support for skip_modules during doc building + improved file input validation errors by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/66
What's Changed * Switched from Blue to Ruff and updated some basic type annotations by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/62 * Help text improvements: group_tree_spacers, strict_usage_column_width by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/63
What's Changed * Fixed bug in the repr for Json inputs that caused infinite recursion by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/65
What's Changed * Improved subcommand help text, json error messages, and TimeDelta inputs by dskrypa in https://github.com/dskrypa/cli_command_parser/pull/64