New Features
* `clisops` now makes use of `pytest-xdist` for parallel testing. This can be enabled using `--numprocesses={int}`. See the `pytest-xdist documentation <https://pytest-xdist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ for more information (#345).
* Testing data caching is now handled by `pooch` and testing data registries ('stratus' for `roocs/mini-esgf-data` and 'nimbus' for `Ouranosinc/xclim-testdata`) (345).
* `clisops` coding conventions now use Python 3.9+ conventions (345).
Breaking Changes
* `clisops` has dropped support for Python 3.8 (345).
* Several dependencies have been updated to include lower bounds for clearer compatibility and easier maintenance (345, XYZ).
* The affected core dependencies are: `dask >=2023.6.0`, `filelock >=3.15.4`, `geopandas >=0.14.0`, `jinja2 >=2.11`, `numpy >=1.23.0`, `packaging >=23.2`, `pandas >=1.5.0`, `pooch >=1.8.0`, `scipy >=1.9.0`, and `xarray >=2022.6.0`.
* Extra dependencies are `ipython >=8.5.0`, `matplotlib >=3.6.0`, `nbconvert >=7.14.0`, `nbsphinx >=0.9.5`, `pre-commit >=3.5.0`, and `sphinx >=7.0.0`.
* `clisops` no longer requires `gitpython >=3.1.30` and `requests >=2.0` (345).
* The development dependencies have been updated to include `deptry >=0.20.0` and `pytest-xdist[psutil] >=3.2` (345).
* `netCDF4` has been moved from core dependency to development dependency (345).
Other Changes
* `clisops.utils.testing` has replaced `clisops.utils.tutorial`. This submodule contains several functions and variables for allowing user control over testing data fetching (345).
* The `_common` testing tools have been migrated to `clisops.utils.testing` or rewritten as `pytest` fixtures (345).
* Testing data fetching now uses worker threads to copy cached data to threadsafe data caches that are separated by worker (345).