* Version 0.50.0 * feat: delete black uploads flag (212) * docs: add link to public dataset examples * docs: update README * docs: add description of CloudVolume to \_\_init\_\_.py * chore: update ChangeLog AUTHORS
* Version 0.49.3 * perf: omit a network request when creating a GCS connection (223) * perf: improve initialization performance of CV
* Version 0.49.2 * fix: http(s) should handle 404 like gs and s3
* Version 0.49.1 * feat: Support for GCS Batch Delete (219) * docs: fix typo on autocrop (should be False, not True) * chore: update Trove classifiers, add markdown description classification * Add allow\_cropped flag to CloudVolume.download\_point (215) * docs: replace npm server with vol.view() in documentation
* Version 0.49.0 * docs: added neuroglancer view server invocation to examples * feat: neuroglancer compatible link with vol.view() (214) * docs: remove obsolete downsample parameter * docs: underlying -> chunk\_size, download\_point * fix: upgrade urllib3 (213)
* Version 0.48.0 * feat: download\_point lets you download a cutout from just a coordinate * refactor: remove deprecated "output\_to\_shared\_memory" parameter * feat: export Vec class for use in other applications * misc enhancements (209) * fix: missing protocol in error message