
Latest version: v0.1.2

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* clusters.ClusterEnsemble() accepts input cosmology as any astropy.cosmology object


* fixed miss-spelling of "richness" in function names:
- mass\_to\_richess() => mass\_to\_richness()
- richess\_to\_mass() => richness\_to\_mass()
* confirmed compatibility with Python 3.4, 3.5

v0.1.0 (14 Feb 2016) -- Initial release.

How to Release

Here's my step-by-step guide for cutting a new release of
**cluster-lensing**. Thanks to Jake VanderPlas for showing the way!


1. update version in ````

2. update version in ``clusterlensing/``

3. update version in ``docs/`` (two places!)

4. update change log in ````

5. update ```` and `` demo.ipynb`` if necessary

6. confirm all tests pass & flake8 gives no errors

$ cd clusterlensing/
$ nosetests
$ flake8 --ignore N802,N806 `find . -name \*.py | grep -v | grep -v /doc/`

7. create a release tag; e.g.

$ git tag -a v0.1.1 -m 'version 0.1.1 release'

8. push the commits and tag to github; e.g.

$ git push origin v0.1.1
$ git push origin master

9. confirm that CI tests pass on github

10. under "tags" on github, update the release notes

11. push the new release to PyPI:

$ python sdist upload

12. change directories to ``docs`` and build the documentation:

$ cd docs/
$ make html build documentation
$ make publish publish to github pages
$ make publish and again to really publish


1. update version in ```` to next version; e.g. '0.3-git'

2. update version in ``clusterlensing/`` to the same

3. update version in ``docs/`` to the same (in two places)



Has known vulnerabilities

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