- `Client_Id` parameter has been added to the advanced section of Kafka Consumer.
- When the `Client_Id` field is empty, the plugin defaults to `DNS:TASK ID`.
- `Local Consumer Queue Size` parameter to limit local consumer queue size
- Consume input entities in KafkaProducerPlugin to generate messages
- Generate output entities in KafkaConsumerPlugin from messages
- Consume JSON dataset in KafkaProducerPlugin to generate messages
- Generate JSON dataset in KafkaConsumerPlugin from messages
- `Compression Type` parameter has added to support standard compression
- `message limit` parameter has been added to the advanced section of kafka consumer
- `disable commit` parameter has been added to the advanced section of kafka consumer
- `Messages Dataset` Parameter moved from the advanced section to Main section (will change again in future)
- Replace `none` with `error` in Auto Offset Reset parameter choice list
- moved kakfa producer/consumer configuration check from __init__ to validate() and calling explictly from execute()
- resolved endless loop caused by improper kafka server configuration
- generate entities with "message as plain value"