
Latest version: v1.6.1

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- Extended the `Stack` models allowing for non-symmetric coupling between devices.
`Stack` current drivers can now be of any type and are adequately scaled.
- Custom definition of the `ScalarDriver` is now possible and documented.
- Fixed a bug in the `Stack` class which inverted the connection order of in-series connections.
- Exposed IDMI interaction to Layer and Junction classes.
- Added `getLayer` method to the `Junction` class and `getJunction` method to the `Stack` class that return a reference to the object.
- Fixed and expanded the `reservoir` module. Now, `GroupInteraction` can use any dipole interaction function, with 3 provided as default: `computeDipoleInteraction`, `computeDipoleInteractionNoumra` and `nullDipoleInteraction` (0 dipole tensor).

- Dipole interaction added to the `SB Model`
- Kasdin 1/f noise generator added to the `noise` module and to the solvers
- Reworking the solvers for better performance and stability
- Added a simple noise model to the `utils` class. It exists outside standard simulation procedures.
- Added LLGB bindings and code. The solver is still WIP and doesn't integrate with more advanced features yet.
- Added aliases for `ScalarDriver` -- for example, instead of calling `ScalarDriver.getConstantDriver`, you can now call `constantDriver` directly to create a constant driver.
- Improve stub detection across editors and IDEs


- Adding a basic optimisation script in the `optimization` module.
- Streamlit optimization updates.


- Adding new, dynamic symbolic model compatible with `Solver` class. It is now possible to use the `Solver` class with `LayerDynamic` to solve the LLG equation.
- Added tests for procedures and operators.
- Added missing operators for `CVector` class in Python.
- `CVector` is now subscriptable.
- Added new `CVector` and `AxialDriver` initialisations.
- `VSD` and `PIMM` procedures accept additional new parameters.
- Added some optimization utilities like `coordinate_descent`.
- Added a `streamlit` service for an example PIMM simulation.


- Added new `ScalarDrivers` -- Gaussian impulse and Gaussian step.


- `CVector` got extra functionality in Python bindings. Operators are now supported.
- Domain Wall dynamics is now also for 2 layer systems. Added edge potential.
- SB model generalised for N layers.

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