This is the second big version of CoalescenceML being released with the ability to more conveniently set up the stack using YAML files, and more integrations!
1. Ability to import and export stack YAML files through the CLI
2. Integrations for tensorflow, sklearn, and statsmodels
What's Changed
* Added tensorflow, sklearn, and statsmodels integrations
* Added docker utils
* Import and Export commands for stack
* Feature/eng 00004 statsmodels integrations by bayoumi17m in https://github.com/bayoumi17m/CoalescenceML/pull/8
* tensorflow and sklearn integration by connorjchen in https://github.com/bayoumi17m/CoalescenceML/pull/13
* Feature/eng 00006 docker utils by bayoumi17m in https://github.com/bayoumi17m/CoalescenceML/pull/15
* Feature/eng 00012 import export stack by bayoumi17m in https://github.com/bayoumi17m/CoalescenceML/pull/19
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bayoumi17m/CoalescenceML/commits/releases/v0.2.0