Latest version: v3.7.2

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- Supercell enabled compression for all endpoints. will now request compression for every request.


- Added the new Magic Mirror equipment to `coc.EQUIPMENT`
- updated static data

Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed a bug that would cause to break if a request was sent with an empty string for a tag


Add retry handling to the HTTPClient - if a request fails with a GatewayError (or TimeoutError), it will sleep and then retry for a maximum of 5 times.
Super Minion, Super Wizard, Ice Hound, Log Launcher and Invisibility Spells were added.


- Added inheritance of classes into the docs to make it easier to see what classes inherit from others.
- Added the new `BattleModifier` to `ClanWar.battle_modifier` and `ClanWarLogEntry.battle_modifier`.
- Added the new troop and equipment in June 2024 update to the static data.

- Changed the way the `ClanWar` and `ClanWarLogEntry` classes handles the `state` and `result`
attribute, respectively. It now returns a `WarState`/`WarResult` enumeration object instead of a string
to allow better type hinting and easier comparison.
- Updated the static data to reflect the June 2024 update changes.


Bugs Fixed:
- Issues causing the documentation to not build properly have been fixed.
- Fixed a few spelling errors in the documentation.

- Added `coc.Client.ip` to manually overwrite the IP address used for generating API keys. This is especially useful for using the API with a proxy.


Bugs Fixed:
- `coc.Badge.url` and :`coc.Icon.url` now use differently sized fallbacks if the default URL is not available. The same is true if `` or `` are called without the optional size parameter
- corrected the default value for the `league_id` parameter of `coc.Client.get_seasons` to point at Legends league and fixed a type hint in `coc.Client.get_season_rankings` as well as a few doc strings

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