- Made deployment steps more discrete. uploadbuildout, uploadeggs and buildout make sense to be called by themselves.
This changes the generated buildout .cfg files. [Dylan Jay]
- Commands can now return values and have named arguments [Dylan Jay]
- Changed how overridden commands called base command by introducing env.superfun [Dylan Jay, Adam Terrey]
- Allow args to the buildout command [Dylan Jay]
- added asbuildoutuser function decorator [Adam Terrey]
- added an apt-get update as part of the bootstrap [Adam Terrey]
- Put command and rsync command [Dylan Jay]
- fix bootstrap_python to use specific dot version. [Dylan Jay]
- Made file path names more robust when collecting files for hashing during getHostoutPackage [Adam Terrey]
- remove buildout as a dep so scripts won't rebuild buildout script [Dylan Jay]
- Normal buildout should no longer need sudo user, just buildout-user. [Dylan Jay, Adam Terrey]
- Will bootstrap if no buildoutuser exists rather than ask for password [Adam Terrey]
- Fixed typos in docs [Jean Jordaan]