- Introduce and explain NEW_RELIC_ENABLED and NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE enviroment variables [fiterbek] - Fix documentation formatting [fiterbek] - Print nicer info message [fiterbek] - Update documentation for NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT enviroment variables [puittenbroek]
- Fix: TALInterpreter patch fails when PageTemplate is made by value instead of file [puittenbroek] - Added dependency on repoze.xmliter [fiterbek]
- Documentation typos [khink] - Documentation checking for pypi release [puittenbroek] - Patch cron4plone tick (if present) to make it a backgroundtask [puittenbroek] - Improve hook logic to worker properly in ZMI [puittenbroek]
- Changed naming of transactions, now based on view/templates being used [puittenbroek] - Ignore transactions for resource files (js, css, kss(?)) [puittenbroek]
------------------- - Inital code implemtation and testing