- reindexObjectSecurity operations are handled by the queue (14). This fixes a bug with out-of-sync security indexes on Solr etc. [ale-rt]
- Add a method to remove the monkey patches. [gforcada]
- End Of Life: starting with Plone 5.1.0 release collective.indexing has been merged into Plone core. The functionality provided by it is already available [gforcada]
- Compensate for changes in ZCML configuration ordering [rockfruit]
- Added back `IIndexQueueSwitch` marker interface for better uninstall support for 1.x versions. Fixes https://github.com/Jarn/collective.indexing/issues/2. [hannosch, dholth]
- Use `plone.app.testing` instead of `c.testcaselayer`. [hannosch]
- Use getSiteManager to look for all IIndexQueueProcessor's to capture the ones registered in local site managers. [hannosch]