- First try to import pisa from the newer xhtml2pdf library.
Note that it can be hard for both libraries, including their
dependencies, to find versions that work on Python 2.4 (Plone 3).
Generally, wkhtmltopdf is recommended.
- No longer convert everything to ascii for pisa.
- Do the possible encoding to utf-8 in one spot, before calling
a html_to_pdf transform method.
- Do not use deprecated clean_string from jquery.pyproxy anymore.
Requires jquery.pyproxy 0.3 or higher.
- When no view_name is given, do not try to get the immediate view,
but just display the context. This will let the standard Zope and
Plone machinery do its work. Do the same when traversing to 'view'
does not work even though viewing this url works just fine. That
can happen in some cases.
- Moved code to https://github.com/zestsoftware/jquery.pyproxy
[vincent, maurits]