* Python 3.5 support.
* ``enable_all_colors()``, ``is_enabled()``, and ``is_light()`` toggle functions.
* Library can be used as a script (e.g. ``echo "{red}Red{/red}" |python -m colorclass``).
* Ability to add/multiply Color instances just like str.
* Ability to iterate a Color instance and have each character keep its color codes.
* Converted library from Python module to a package.
* ``set_light_background()`` and ``set_dark_background()`` no longer enable colors. Use ``enable_all_colors()``.
* Colors are disabled by default when STDERR and STDOUT are not streams (piped to files/null). Similar to ``grep``.
* Reduce size of ANSI escape sequences by removing codes that have no effect. e.g. ``\033[31;35m`` to ``\033[35m``.
* Color methods that return strings now return Color instances instead of str instances.
* https://github.com/Robpol86/colorclass/issues/15
* https://github.com/Robpol86/colorclass/issues/17