Integrate native Windows 10 support for ANSI escape sequences (`71`_, `72`_).
Native support for ANSI escape sequences was added to Windows 10 after its
initial release, specifically in release 10.0.14393. I've now updated
:pypi:`coloredlogs` and :pypi:`humanfriendly` to detect and enable this "new"
native support.
Windows 10 seems to comprise the majority of Windows installations worldwide so
in the interest of "looking forward" I've decided to drop the :pypi:`colorama`
requirement, given that it has now become a minority use case.
Hopefully most existing users will not experience any regression because they
previously installed :pypi:`colorama` already, and when available it will still
be used. However new installations on older Windows systems now require users
to install :pypi:`colorama` separately. This has been documented in the readme
in an attempt to minimize resulting confusion.
PS. In case anyone is wondering: I decided that giving a major Windows support
update in :pypi:`coloredlogs` the version 13.0 was asking for trouble, so I
decided not to do that 😇.
.. _Release 14.0: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/compare/12.0...14.0
.. _71: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/71
.. _72: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/pull/72