
Latest version: v1.1.6

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[![Static Badge](](


This is a module that allows you the change the colour of the terminal using the batch colour syntax.
It works on all known platforms.

Table of Content

1. [colourise_output](colouriseoutput)
2. [Description](description)
3. [Table of Content](table-of-content)
4. [Installation](installation)
1. [Using pip](using-pip)
2. [Using python](using-python)
5. [Usage](usage)
1. [Importing](importing)
2. [Initialising](initialising)
3. [Calling the test_colours function](calling-the-testcolours-function)
1. [Epilepsy warning](epilepsy-warning)
4. [Changing the colour](changing-the-colour)
1. [Displaying text and the colour](displaying-text-and-the-colour)
2. [Only changing the colour](only-changing-the-colour)
6. [Available colours](available-colours)
7. [Change the initialisation content](change-the-initialisation-content)
1. [Changing the forbidden characters](changing-the-forbidden-characters)
2. [Changing the description](changing-the-descriptions)
3. [Changing both](changing-both)
8. [Author](author)
9. [Version](version)


Using pip

pip install -U colorama
pip install -U colourise-output

Using python

Under windows:

py -m pip install -U colorama
py -m pip install -U colourise-output

Under Linux/Mac OS:

python3 -m pip install -U colorama
python3 -m pip install -U colourise-output



import colourise_output as co


The generic class is: `ColouriseOutput()`
The generic loading function is: `init_ressources(self)`
The output is: None

COI = co.ColouriseOutput()

Calling the test_colours function

The generic function is:

test_colours(self, delay:int=0)

The output is: None


Calling this function will result in the function displaying all the available colours as well as their colour code (what you use to call them).

Epilepsy warning

Warning: Avoid this function if you are epileptic or set the delay to 1


Changing the colour

The generic function to ask a question is:

display(self, colour:str, attributes:tuple=(), text:str="")

The outputs of this function is: None
The terminal will display the next lines in the desired colour.

Displaying text and the colour

COI.display("0A", (), "Hello World !

The text "Hello World" will be displayed in green (A) on a black background (0).

Only changing the colour

answer = AQI.ask_question("How old are you?", "uint")
ADD_S = ""
if answer > 1:
ADD_S = "s"
print(f"You are {answer} year{ADD_S} old !")

Available colours

Here is the windows colour pallet and how to use it:

Windows colour pallet

* 0: Black
* 1: Blue
* 2: Green
* 3: Aqua
* 4: Red
* 5: Purple
* 6: Yellow
* 7: White
* 8: Gray
* 9: Light Blue
* A: Light Green
* B: Light Aqua
* C: Light Red
* D: Light Purple
* E: Light Yellow
* F: Bright White

Using the Windows colour pallet

Change the initialisation content

When initialising the class it is possible to change the forbidden characters and/or the descriptions of the available types.

changing the forbidden characters

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(dict(), illegal_characters)

This initialisation has changed the characters that will be allowed for the number conversion in the 'int' and 'float' options.

Changing the descriptions

import ask_question as aq
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

This initialisation has changed the descriptions for the types.
When the user will enter a wrong answer, the description displayed for the type you were expecting will be taken from the human_type dictionnary you have entered.

Changing both

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

You have now impacted the int and float typing as well as the 'type' descriptions.


This module was written by (c) Henry Letellier
Attributions are appreciated.

Quick way (I assume you have already initialised the class):

print(f"AskQuestion is written by {}")



[ADD] an option to choose the tty channel on which to display the message

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[![Static Badge](](


This is a module that allows you the change the colour of the terminal using the batch colour syntax.
It works on all known platforms.

Table of Content

1. [colourise_output](colouriseoutput)
2. [Description](description)
3. [Table of Content](table-of-content)
4. [Installation](installation)
1. [Using pip](using-pip)
2. [Using python](using-python)
5. [Usage](usage)
1. [Importing](importing)
2. [Initialising](initialising)
3. [Calling the test_colours function](calling-the-testcolours-function)
1. [Epilepsy warning](epilepsy-warning)
4. [Changing the colour](changing-the-colour)
1. [Displaying text and the colour](displaying-text-and-the-colour)
2. [Only changing the colour](only-changing-the-colour)
6. [Available colours](available-colours)
7. [Change the initialisation content](change-the-initialisation-content)
1. [Changing the forbidden characters](changing-the-forbidden-characters)
2. [Changing the description](changing-the-descriptions)
3. [Changing both](changing-both)
8. [Author](author)
9. [Version](version)


Using pip

pip install -U colorama
pip install -U colourise-output

Using python

Under windows:

py -m pip install -U colorama
py -m pip install -U colourise-output

Under Linux/Mac OS:

python3 -m pip install -U colorama
python3 -m pip install -U colourise-output



import colourise_output as co


The generic class is: `ColouriseOutput()`
The generic loading function is: `init_ressources(self)`
The output is: None

COI = co.ColouriseOutput()

Calling the test_colours function

The generic function is:

test_colours(self, delay:int=0)

The output is: None


Calling this function will result in the function displaying all the available colours as well as their colour code (what you use to call them).

Epilepsy warning

Warning: Avoid this function if you are epileptic or set the delay to 1


Changing the colour

The generic function to ask a question is:

display(self, colour:str, attributes:tuple=(), text:str="")

The outputs of this function is: None
The terminal will display the next lines in the desired colour.

Displaying text and the colour

COI.display("0A", (), "Hello World !

The text "Hello World" will be displayed in green (A) on a black background (0).

Only changing the colour

answer = AQI.ask_question("How old are you?", "uint")
ADD_S = ""
if answer > 1:
ADD_S = "s"
print(f"You are {answer} year{ADD_S} old !")

Available colours

Here is the windows colour pallet and how to use it:

Windows colour pallet

* 0: Black
* 1: Blue
* 2: Green
* 3: Aqua
* 4: Red
* 5: Purple
* 6: Yellow
* 7: White
* 8: Gray
* 9: Light Blue
* A: Light Green
* B: Light Aqua
* C: Light Red
* D: Light Purple
* E: Light Yellow
* F: Bright White

Using the Windows colour pallet

Change the initialisation content

When initialising the class it is possible to change the forbidden characters and/or the descriptions of the available types.

changing the forbidden characters

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(dict(), illegal_characters)

This initialisation has changed the characters that will be allowed for the number conversion in the 'int' and 'float' options.

Changing the descriptions

import ask_question as aq
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

This initialisation has changed the descriptions for the types.
When the user will enter a wrong answer, the description displayed for the type you were expecting will be taken from the human_type dictionnary you have entered.

Changing both

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

You have now impacted the int and float typing as well as the 'type' descriptions.


This module was written by (c) Henry Letellier
Attributions are appreciated.

Quick way (I assume you have already initialised the class):

print(f"AskQuestion is written by {}")



[ADD] the missing file and a demo in the file

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[![Static Badge](](


This is a module that allows you the change the colour of the terminal using the batch colour syntax.
It works on all known platforms.

Table of Content

1. [colourise_output](colouriseoutput)
2. [Description](description)
3. [Table of Content](table-of-content)
4. [Installation](installation)
1. [Using pip](using-pip)
2. [Using python](using-python)
5. [Usage](usage)
1. [Importing](importing)
2. [Initialising](initialising)
3. [Calling the test_colours function](calling-the-testcolours-function)
1. [Epilepsy warning](epilepsy-warning)
4. [Changing the colour](changing-the-colour)
1. [Displaying text and the colour](displaying-text-and-the-colour)
2. [Only changing the colour](only-changing-the-colour)
6. [Available colours](available-colours)
7. [Change the initialisation content](change-the-initialisation-content)
1. [Changing the forbidden characters](changing-the-forbidden-characters)
2. [Changing the description](changing-the-descriptions)
3. [Changing both](changing-both)
8. [Author](author)
9. [Version](version)


Using pip

pip install -U colorama
pip install -U colourise-output

Using python

Under windows:

py -m pip install -U colorama
py -m pip install -U colourise-output

Under Linux/Mac OS:

python3 -m pip install -U colorama
python3 -m pip install -U colourise-output



import colourise_output as co


The generic class is: `ColouriseOutput()`
The generic loading function is: `init_ressources(self)`
The output is: None

COI = co.ColouriseOutput()

Calling the test_colours function

The generic function is:

test_colours(self, delay:int=0)

The output is: None


Calling this function will result in the function displaying all the available colours as well as their colour code (what you use to call them).

Epilepsy warning

Warning: Avoid this function if you are epileptic or set the delay to 1


Changing the colour

The generic function to ask a question is:

display(self, colour:str, attributes:tuple=(), text:str="")

The outputs of this function is: None
The terminal will display the next lines in the desired colour.

Displaying text and the colour

COI.display("0A", (), "Hello World !

The text "Hello World" will be displayed in green (A) on a black background (0).

Only changing the colour

answer = AQI.ask_question("How old are you?", "uint")
ADD_S = ""
if answer > 1:
ADD_S = "s"
print(f"You are {answer} year{ADD_S} old !")

Available colours

Here is the windows colour pallet and how to use it:

Windows colour pallet

* 0: Black
* 1: Blue
* 2: Green
* 3: Aqua
* 4: Red
* 5: Purple
* 6: Yellow
* 7: White
* 8: Gray
* 9: Light Blue
* A: Light Green
* B: Light Aqua
* C: Light Red
* D: Light Purple
* E: Light Yellow
* F: Bright White

Using the Windows colour pallet

Change the initialisation content

When initialising the class it is possible to change the forbidden characters and/or the descriptions of the available types.

changing the forbidden characters

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(dict(), illegal_characters)

This initialisation has changed the characters that will be allowed for the number conversion in the 'int' and 'float' options.

Changing the descriptions

import ask_question as aq
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

This initialisation has changed the descriptions for the types.
When the user will enter a wrong answer, the description displayed for the type you were expecting will be taken from the human_type dictionnary you have entered.

Changing both

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

You have now impacted the int and float typing as well as the 'type' descriptions.


This module was written by (c) Henry Letellier
Attributions are appreciated.

Quick way (I assume you have already initialised the class):

print(f"AskQuestion is written by {}")




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[![Static Badge](](


This is a module that allows you the change the colour of the terminal using the batch colour syntax.
It works on all known platforms.

Table of Content

1. [colourise_output](colouriseoutput)
2. [Description](description)
3. [Table of Content](table-of-content)
4. [Installation](installation)
1. [Using pip](using-pip)
2. [Using python](using-python)
5. [Usage](usage)
1. [Importing](importing)
2. [Initialising](initialising)
3. [Calling the test_colours function](calling-the-testcolours-function)
1. [Epilepsy warning](epilepsy-warning)
4. [Changing the colour](changing-the-colour)
1. [Displaying text and the colour](displaying-text-and-the-colour)
2. [Only changing the colour](only-changing-the-colour)
6. [Available colours](available-colours)
7. [Change the initialisation content](change-the-initialisation-content)
1. [Changing the forbidden characters](changing-the-forbidden-characters)
2. [Changing the description](changing-the-descriptions)
3. [Changing both](changing-both)
8. [Author](author)
9. [Version](version)


Using pip

pip install -U colorama
pip install -U colourise-output

Using python

Under windows:

py -m pip install -U colorama
py -m pip install -U colourise-output

Under Linux/Mac OS:

python3 -m pip install -U colorama
python3 -m pip install -U colourise-output



import colourise_output as co


The generic class is: `ColouriseOutput()`
The generic loading function is: `init_ressources(self)`
The output is: None

COI = co.ColouriseOutput()

Calling the test_colours function

The generic function is:

test_colours(self, delay:int=0)

The output is: None


Calling this function will result in the function displaying all the available colours as well as their colour code (what you use to call them).

Epilepsy warning

Warning: Avoid this function if you are epileptic or set the delay to 1


Changing the colour

The generic function to ask a question is:

display(self, colour:str, attributes:tuple=(), text:str="")

The outputs of this function is: None
The terminal will display the next lines in the desired colour.

Displaying text and the colour

COI.display("0A", (), "Hello World !\n")

The text "Hello World" will be displayed in green (A) on a black background (0).

Only changing the colour

answer = AQI.ask_question("How old are you?", "uint")
ADD_S = ""
if answer > 1:
ADD_S = "s"
print(f"You are {answer} year{ADD_S} old !")

Available colours

Here is the windows colour pallet and how to use it:

Windows colour pallet

* 0: Black
* 1: Blue
* 2: Green
* 3: Aqua
* 4: Red
* 5: Purple
* 6: Yellow
* 7: White
* 8: Gray
* 9: Light Blue
* A: Light Green
* B: Light Aqua
* C: Light Red
* D: Light Purple
* E: Light Yellow
* F: Bright White

Using the Windows colour pallet

Change the initialisation content

When initialising the class it is possible to change the forbidden characters and/or the descriptions of the available types.

changing the forbidden characters

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^_`{|}~ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(dict(), illegal_characters)

This initialisation has changed the characters that will be allowed for the number conversion in the 'int' and 'float' options.

Changing the descriptions

import ask_question as aq
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

This initialisation has changed the descriptions for the types.
When the user will enter a wrong answer, the description displayed for the type you were expecting will be taken from the human_type dictionnary you have entered.

Changing both

import ask_question as aq
illegal_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^_`{|}~ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x0c"
illegal_characters = illegal_characters.replace("0123456789","")
human_type = {
"int":"whole number (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc...)",
"float":"floating number (-1.2, 0.1, 1.2, etc...)",
"uint":"whole positive number (0, 1, 2, etc...)",
"ufloat":"whole positive floating number (0.1, 1.2, etc ...)",
"num":"numeric (numbers from 0 onwards)",
"alnum":"alphanumeric (only numbers and the alphabet)",
"isalpha":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"char":"alphabet (from a to z and A to Z)",
"ascii":"ascii Table",
"str":"string (any character you can type)",
"version":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"ver":"version (numbers seperated by '.' characters)",
"bool":"boolean (yes/True/1 or no/False/0 answer type)",
AQI = aq.AskQuestion(human_type)

You have now impacted the int and float typing as well as the 'type' descriptions.


This module was written by (c) Henry Letellier
Attributions are appreciated.

Quick way (I assume you have already initialised the class):

print(f"AskQuestion is written by {}")



An easy way to display the version is:

import ask_question as aq
print(f"Version : {aq.__Version__}")



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