What's Changed
* Update local plugin implementation see the [wiki][plugin] lordwelch in 683
* <details><summary>GCD and Metron are no longer bundled in the release packages</summary>
They can be installed as a local plugin see the [wiki][plugin] for more information
* <details><summary>Remove CBL/CBI and CoMet tags</summary>
They can be installed as a plugin from https://github.com/comictagger/archived-plugins or with `pip install comictagger[archived-plugins]`
* Cache more ComicVine lookups and implement request timeouts by lordwelch in 686
* ComicVine requests now have more logging and the ratelimiter logs how long it will wait before the next request
* ComicVine 200/hour request ratelimits are now implemented as CV now enforces them
* Improve error handling of manual metadata on the CLI
* The default plugin folder location has been fixed
* Missing values are handled better during renaming
* Links to standard config locations are now listed in the settings window
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/comictagger/comictagger/compare/1.6.0-alpha.22...1.6.0-beta.1
[plugin]: https://github.com/comictagger/comictagger/wiki/Installing-plugins