- DynamoDB/Testing: Use CrateDB nightly again - DynamoDB: Use `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` clause on CDC operations of type `INSERT`, to mitigate errors when events are relayed redundantly from retries after partially failed batches on the Lambda processor.
- MongoDB: Fixed BSON decoding of `{"$date": 1180690093000}` timestamps - DynamoDB/Testing: Use CrateDB 5.8.3 for because 5.8.4 can no longer store `ARRAY`s with varying inner types into `OBJECT(IGNORED)` columns.
- DynamoDB: Change CrateDB data model to use (`pk`, `data`, `aux`) columns Attention: This is a breaking change. - MongoDB: Handle too large `$date.$numberLong` values gracefully - Zyp/Moksha: Improve error reporting when rule evaluation fails
- DynamoDB CDC: Fix `MODIFY` operation by propagating `NewImage` fully - Zyp/Moksha: Improve error reporting when rule evaluation fails
- MongoDB: Improved `MongoDBCrateDBConverter.decode_canonical` to also decode non-UUID binary values - Zyp/Moksha/jq: `to_object` function now respects a `zap` option, that removes the element altogether if it's empty - Zyp/Moksha/jq: Improve error reporting at `MokshaTransformation.apply` - MongoDB: Improved `MongoDBCrateDBConverter.decode_extended_json`
- MongoDB: Fixed edge case when decoding MongoDB Extended JSON elements - Zyp: Added capability to skip rule evaluation when `disabled: true`