* Documentation updates
* rdp libigl function (faster than the regular rdp)
* sort_paths_minimum_travel_time: Function to sort paths by least travel time between contours in a layer
* Changed the blend radius to add a blend radius of 0 for the first and last point of a path
* Changed planar_slicing_cgal to add the possibility of slicing open paths with planar_slicing_cgal
* Added the option to toggle generation of mesh normals on/off in create_printpoints
* Added the possibility to slice only a certain section of the geometry by using slice_height_range in the PlanarSlicer
* Fixed some bugs in seams_align
* Small bug in extruder_toggle
* Small bug in simplify_paths_rdp_igl with printing remaining no of points
* Bug in seams_smooth
* close_paths in the BaseSlicer is unused for now, as it should not be necessary