Citing this release
Please, cite as:
Saullo G P Castro. (2016, August 29). Computational mechanics tools (Version 0.7.2). Zenodo.
New Features
Panel Assembly
- simulation of unstiffened cylinders using an assembly of curved panels
- simulation of blade-stiffened cylinders using an assembly of flat and curved panels
- general code simplification possible due to the enhancements detailed below
- fix compatibility with Python 3 for conecyl
- tests for conecyl
- non-linear static analysis for Panel
- panel.connections.penalty_constants based on COST paper
- pass panel object instead of w1tx, w2tx to connections, field and stiffness
Panel Assembly
- huge improvements on how the assembly calculates structural matrices
- panel.offset now used to calculate laminaprop. Before the offset was only used for the inertia properties
when calculating kM, but not for the stiffness matrix
- replaced bladestiff2d model with already existing panel models
- replaced tstiff2d base-flange connectivity matrices by those in
- remove support to integrate from x1 to x2 in TStiff2D
- TStiff2D no longer recommended due to highly numerical instability
- huge code simplification