Make the ``frmat`` argument (e.g. ``'table'``, ``'cxt'``, ``'csv'``) for
reading/writing ``Context`` objects case-insensitive (mirroring
case-insensitivity of format inference from filename suffixes).
Add ``Context.tojson(path_or_fileonj)`` and ``Context.fromjson(path_or_fileonj)``
for long term storage format serialized as json. This custom format can include
the lattice structure information so that e.g. big lattices that are expensive to
compute can be stored and loaded without the need to re-calculate the lattice.
Add ``Context.todict()`` and ``Context.fromdict()`` for custom format as plain
Python ``dict``. Can be (de)serialized with other tools such as pickle,
``pprint.pprint()`` + ``ast.literal_eval()``, yaml, toml, xml, a database,