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![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220918](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220937](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 221401](
Help on ConnectSql in module Connect object:

class ConnectSql(builtins.object)
| ConnectSql(Username, Password)
| ConnectSQL is a very useful & perfectly designed module to Connect to SQL database & retrieve data.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, Username, Password)
| Initialize some values before Starting.
| Parameters:
| Username: Enter Your Username.
| Password: Enter your Password.
| By default host is Local Host as per your machine's IP Address.
| Recommendation:
| We Recommend setting the default value of the table which will help you in skipping parameters.
| Method: <Object>.default_table(self).
| alter(self, table=None, modify=None, change=None, add_column=None, add_key=None, drop_column=None, drop_key=None)
| Alter the Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| modify: Modify the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| change: Change the name/Positions of the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after change clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_column: Add a column to your Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_key: Add a key to the database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| drop_column: Drop a Column from any Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Column keyword, We'll do it for you.
| drop_key: Drop a key from any table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Key keyword, We'll do it for you.
| create_db(self, dbname)
| Create Database Method.
| Parameters:
| dbname: Name of the database.
| Just type name of the database & Create it.
| Its Simple. Isn't it ?
| create_table(self, query)
| Create a table within Minutes.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for creating a database.
| default_table(self, table)
| Most Exclusive.
| Parameters:
| table: Set the default value for table.
| This will help you in skipping Parameters.
| We Recommend this Method before starting to work.
| delete(self, query=None, complete=None)
| Delete any rows.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for deleting from a database.
| complete: Delete all records from a database.
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| desc(self, table=None)
| Describe a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| disp_table(self, table=None)
| Display All Records of a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| drop(self, table=None, column=None, key=None)
| Another alternative for dropping keys etc. from Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| column: Just write the name of the Column to be dropped.
| key: Just write the name of key to be Dropped.
| insert_values(self, values, columns=None, table=None)
| This Method insert values in the table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| values: Use Single Query String for Values Parameter.
| columns: Columns must be set of all logical columns in the table.
| query(self, query, table=None)
| For Complex Queries use this Method.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the Complete Query to retrieve data.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| select(self, query, table=None)
| Select & Retrieve data from Mysql.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query as per your needs.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| show_db(self)
| This methods helps you show all the database stored in your Machine.
| show_result(self, data, table=None)
| Not for Users. Only for Developers.
| show_tables(self)
| Shows all the tables after in a Given database.
| update(self, set, where, table=None)
| Update the values in a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| set: Conditions for Set Clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| where: Conditions after where clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| use(self, database)
| Use the required Database.
| AS per SQL Syntax use database clause is necessary.
| This method helps you in using the database.
| Parameters:
| database: Name of database to be set.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Process finished with exit code 0

So Guys!!!
Just move on for installing this awesome SQLConnect pack.

Kailash Sharma


![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220918](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220937](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 221401](
Help on ConnectSql in module Connect object:

class ConnectSql(builtins.object)
| ConnectSql(Username, Password)
| ConnectSQL is a very useful & perfectly designed module to Connect to SQL database & retrieve data.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, Username, Password)
| Initialize some values before Starting.
| Parameters:
| Username: Enter Your Username.
| Password: Enter your Password.
| By default host is Local Host as per your machine's IP Address.
| Recommendation:
| We Recommend setting the default value of the table which will help you in skipping parameters.
| Method: <Object>.default_table(self).
| alter(self, table=None, modify=None, change=None, add_column=None, add_key=None, drop_column=None, drop_key=None)
| Alter the Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| modify: Modify the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| change: Change the name/Positions of the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after change clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_column: Add a column to your Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_key: Add a key to the database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| drop_column: Drop a Column from any Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Column keyword, We'll do it for you.
| drop_key: Drop a key from any table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Key keyword, We'll do it for you.
| create_db(self, dbname)
| Create Database Method.
| Parameters:
| dbname: Name of the database.
| Just type name of the database & Create it.
| Its Simple. Isn't it ?
| create_table(self, query)
| Create a table within Minutes.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for creating a database.
| default_table(self, table)
| Most Exclusive.
| Parameters:
| table: Set the default value for table.
| This will help you in skipping Parameters.
| We Recommend this Method before starting to work.
| delete(self, query=None, complete=None)
| Delete any rows.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for deleting from a database.
| complete: Delete all records from a database.
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| desc(self, table=None)
| Describe a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| disp_table(self, table=None)
| Display All Records of a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| drop(self, table=None, column=None, key=None)
| Another alternative for dropping keys etc. from Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| column: Just write the name of the Column to be dropped.
| key: Just write the name of key to be Dropped.
| insert_values(self, values, columns=None, table=None)
| This Method insert values in the table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| values: Use Single Query String for Values Parameter.
| columns: Columns must be set of all logical columns in the table.
| query(self, query, table=None)
| For Complex Queries use this Method.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the Complete Query to retrieve data.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| select(self, query, table=None)
| Select & Retrieve data from Mysql.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query as per your needs.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| show_db(self)
| This methods helps you show all the database stored in your Machine.
| show_result(self, data, table=None)
| Not for Users. Only for Developers.
| show_tables(self)
| Shows all the tables after in a Given database.
| update(self, set, where, table=None)
| Update the values in a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| set: Conditions for Set Clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| where: Conditions after where clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| use(self, database)
| Use the required Database.
| AS per SQL Syntax use database clause is necessary.
| This method helps you in using the database.
| Parameters:
| database: Name of database to be set.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Process finished with exit code 0

So Guys!!!
Just move on for installing this awesome SQLConnect pack.

Kailash Sharma


![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220918](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 220937](
![Screenshot 2020-10-11 221401](


Database Changed.
Help on ConnectSql in module Connect object:

class ConnectSql(builtins.object)
| ConnectSql(Username, Password)
| ConnectSQL is a very useful & perfectly designed module to Connect to SQL database & retrieve data.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, Username, Password)
| Initialize some values before Starting.
| Parameters:
| Username: Enter Your Username.
| Password: Enter your Password.
| By default host is Local Host as per your machine's IP Address.
| Recommendation:
| We Recommend setting the default value of the table which will help you in skipping parameters.
| Method: <Object>.default_table(self).
| alter(self, table=None, modify=None, change=None, add_column=None, add_key=None, drop_column=None, drop_key=None)
| Alter the Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| modify: Modify the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| change: Change the name/Positions of the table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after change clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_column: Add a column to your Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| add_key: Add a key to the database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after Add clause as per SQL syntax.
| drop_column: Drop a Column from any Database.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Column keyword, We'll do it for you.
| drop_key: Drop a key from any table.
| Do not type the complete Query.
| Just type in required format after modify clause as per SQL syntax.
| Do not type Key keyword, We'll do it for you.
| create_db(self, dbname)
| Create Database Method.
| Parameters:
| dbname: Name of the database.
| Just type name of the database & Create it.
| Its Simple. Isn't it ?
| create_table(self, query)
| Create a table within Minutes.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for creating a database.
| default_table(self, table)
| Most Exclusive.
| Parameters:
| table: Set the default value for table.
| This will help you in skipping Parameters.
| We Recommend this Method before starting to work.
| delete(self, query=None, complete=None)
| Delete any rows.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query required for deleting from a database.
| complete: Delete all records from a database.
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| desc(self, table=None)
| Describe a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| disp_table(self, table=None)
| Display All Records of a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| drop(self, table=None, column=None, key=None)
| Another alternative for dropping keys etc. from Table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| column: Just write the name of the Column to be dropped.
| key: Just write the name of key to be Dropped.
| insert_values(self, values, columns=None, table=None)
| This Method insert values in the table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| values: Use Single Query String for Values Parameter.
| columns: Columns must be set of all logical columns in the table.
| query(self, query, table=None)
| For Complex Queries use this Method.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the Complete Query to retrieve data.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| select(self, query, table=None)
| Select & Retrieve data from Mysql.
| Parameters:
| query: Type the complete query as per your needs.
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| show_db(self)
| This methods helps you show all the database stored in your Machine.
| show_result(self, data, table=None)
| Not for Users. Only for Developers.
| show_tables(self)
| Shows all the tables after in a Given database.
| update(self, set, where, table=None)
| Update the values in a table.
| Parameters:
| table: Name of the Table
| default is None (Applicable only when you set default value for table).
| set: Conditions for Set Clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| where: Conditions after where clause.
| Type as per SQL Syntax.
| use(self, database)
| Use the required Database.
| AS per SQL Syntax use database clause is necessary.
| This method helps you in using the database.
| Parameters:
| database: Name of database to be set.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Process finished with exit code 0



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