- New ``edge_lengths`` method.
- ``combine_simplices``, ``find_simplex_equations``, ``_find_face_centroids``,
``find_coplanar_simplices``, ``_find_face_centroids``, and ``calculate_signed_volume``
methods for the ConvexPolyhedron class.
- ``simplices``, ``equations``, and ``face_centroids`` properties for the
ConvexPolyhedron class.
- Additional pytests for surface area, volume, centroid, moment of inertia, and equations properties.
- New ``to_hoomd`` and ``to_json`` export methods for use with simulation tools
- Pre-commit now uses ruff instead of flake8, pydocstyle, pyupgrade and isort.
- CI now uses GitHub Actions.
- Docs ported to furo theme.
- Reimplemented ``find_equations``, ``_volume``, ``surface_area``, ``centroid``,
``_compute_inertia_tensor``, ``rescale``, and ``get_face_area`` methods for convex
polyhedra using NumPy vectorized operations and polyhedron simplices.
- [breaking] ``ConvexPolyhedron._surface_triangulation`` now returns sorted simplices,
rather than running polytri. This can change the order of vertices and/or triangles.
- [breaking] ``faces`` may return faces in a different order than previously. Faces are still sorted with ``sort_faces``, and will still be ordered such that curl and divergence theorems work properly.
- ``volume``, ``surface_area``, and ``centroid`` properties now return stored values, rather than computing the quantity at each call.
- ``rescale`` now computes the centroid to ensure the correct value is available when ``centroid`` is called.
- Optimized pytest configurations for more efficient use of local and remote resources.