- Fixed handling of ``DuplicateKeyException`` errors. After an improvement in crate-python 0.34, this error case is conveyed through ``IntegrityError``. Beforehand, a more generic ``ProgrammingError`` was used. Thanks, romseygeek and proddata.
- Fixed status line display of the executed SQL command, part 2, don't display SQL command _arguments_.
- Fixed status line display of the executed SQL command - Started using Python Testcontainers for integration testing
- Update to crate>=0.35.2. It is needed to accompany the recent improvements about ``--timeout``.
- Better catch unauthorized errors when forcing a password prompt.
- Added command-line argument ``--timeout``, to configure network timeout values in seconds. The default connect timeout is five seconds now, the default read timeout is the default setting of the ``socket`` module, which is "infinite" by default.