- Fixed ``bin/coverage`` script (it pointed at an old entry point). Note that this script is only included because buildout originally didn't install scripts of dependencies. It *does* now, with the proper configuration. But installing this script ourselves solves every case.
- Upped the coverage requirement (to 3.7). Coveralls.io's library needs 3.6 and this makes it a bit easier to make sure there's a new enough release.
- Note: no functional changes in this release.
- Moved to github: https://github.com/reinout/createcoverage .
- Noted (in the ``setup.py`` classifiers) that we work just fine with python 3!
- Set up travis testing and coveralls.io integration. 100% coverage, of course :-)
- Packaging fix. Nothing changed (functionally) compared to 1.3.
- Some internal cleanup and a small pypi metadata fix.